From passion to business!

Specialist skills: acquired in managerial positions in the field of landscaping (10 years), environmental design (3 years) and territorial development, attractiveness and promotion (7 years).

Language skills: having followed an initial training course, consolidated via further education, travelling, reading, diverse media and conversing with British Nationals; hence reflecting my love of the English language and its unique culture.

Technical translation skills: acquired via a Translator Certification (level 7 certificate = Baccalaureate + 5 years’ studies), accredited in France by the National Directory of Vocational Training (RNCP) and dispensed by Edvenn (formerly Ci3M), a translation and writing school in Rennes (France). Head of training course: Daniel Gouadec.

Further education

In order to consolidate my know-how and to keep up-to-date of the latest developments, I regularly follow courses in my fields of competence and attend seminars to remain aware of the needs of my clients.

Hence, I will attend the Landscaping Fair (Paysalia Lyon), the Plant Fair in Angers (Salon du Végétal), plant and garden festivals nationwide (Saint-Jean de Beauregard, Chaumont-sur-Loire,etc.), as well as various events outside of France (Chelsea Flower Show in London, Bloom in Dublin).

In addition, I also endeavour to attend the various meetings, seminars and courses organised by the French Translators’ Union (Société Française des Traducteurs, SFT) of which I am a Member.


Member of the French Botanical Society (Société Botanique de France) and the French National Horticultural Society (Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France).

Active in various collective science programs, e.g. Observatory of the Seasons (Observatoire des Saisons), etc.  

Active on business networks and platforms (Office Français de la Biodiversité, Tela Botanica, etc.)

I love my job, day in, day out!